
county court 〔英國〕郡法院,〔美國〕縣法院;縣監察委員會。

county family

In order to make sense of more details about china judicial reform , the dissertation gives a description of three examples . they are pingshan county court in backward rural area , wuhan court in the developing urban area and shanhai court in the developed urban area 全景式地描述了三個有代表性的法院民事司法改革的“圖像” ,即貧困地區的河北省平山縣法院,中等地區的武漢中級法院和發達地區的上海法院,以期達到“一葉知秋”的目的。

Cases involving minor summary offences are heard by magistrates ’ courts presided over by a full - time legally qualified resident magistrate . county courts are primarily civil law courts . the crown court deals with criminal trails on indictment 涉及輕微即決犯罪的案件由治安法庭聽審,法庭由全職的法律合格的常駐治安法官主持。郡法庭主要是民事法庭。皇家刑事法庭根據起訴進行刑事審判

Chen guangcheng ' s lawyer said wednesday that an intermediate court this week found violations in the legal procedures of the last trial and ordered a new trial in the yinan county court in the province of shandong 陳光誠的律師星期三說,這家中級法院這個星期的裁決認為山東沂南縣法院的審判程序違規,因此裁決重新審理此案。

The civil division hear appeal from the county court and the high court ; the criminal division hear appeal from the crown court . from the court of appeal , appeal lie to the house of lord 民事上訴庭審理來自郡法庭和高等法院的上訴;刑事上訴庭受理來自巡回刑事法院的上訴。

County court are primarily civil law courts . the magistrates ' court also deal with certain limited classes of civil cases . the high court of justice the superior civil law court 郡法院主要是民事法院。治安法庭也審理某些有限類型的民事案件。高等法院就是高級民事法院。

The factory has paid the damages to the county court , which says it will disperse the money when there ' s a system for determining who suffered how much damage 工廠已經向縣法院支付了賠償金。縣法院宣稱,待每個原告遭受的具體損失可以確定后,就會把錢發放下去。

He was tried by a county court in october , and convicted of illegally accepting $ 1 . 6m in deposits from local residents 10月在縣法庭開庭審理,指控他的罪名是在當地非法集資1百60萬美元。

It happened at a rape trial in snaresbrook ( u . k . ) county court on an unusually warm and sultry day 在一個極端悶熱的天氣里,英國史耐爾布魯克縣的法庭上,正在審理著一起強奸案。

A county court initially ruled in favor of the farmers but awarded them minimal damages 縣法院開始時做出了有利于村民的裁決,但只給了他們最低賠償金。

On february 12 , initiates hosted another event in the auditorium of the hualien county court 2月12日活動則在花蓮地方法院的禮堂舉行。